
Ikariam žaidime turėsite tik mažą, derlingą salos dalelę, kurią galėsite paversti į puošnų miestą ir galingos imperijos sostinę.

> Patarimai:

Greitas statymas:

To make this work follow these steps:

1. Upgrade or build something so you have to wait
2. Back button click the time in the bottom right corner
3. Click "Adjust Date/Time
4. Check exactly how much time is left for building. (not including seconds)
5. Take away that amount of time from the clock on the computer
6. Building should be done!
7. Either do it again or set your time back

Research Quickly:

How to get research done a lot quicker!

Step 1. Build a level 2 or higher academy
Step 2. Enter the academy
Step 3. Look at the progress of the current research and remember how much time is left
Step 4. Drag the "assign workers" meter so there is the max. number of scientists
Step 5. Click confirm
Step 6. Now compare how much time is left to the old time
Step 7. You can drag the meter back to get more gold again whenever you want but you can also get research whenever you want too!

Almost free:

Ok so u go to the market and enter the amount of stuff u want copy and past from tool bar the amount u want and say if the price is 19$ that all u have to pay.

How to use IAC:

- Go to the Military tab in Ikariam.
- Highlight and copy content of that page. In most browsers you can do it
by pressing CTRL+A and CTRL+C.
- Paste the content into a text field on the right.
- Choose language of the log.
- Click [Analyze].

Patarimas: Geriausia gynyba:

Ikariam contains eight unique troops. Although I could complain about the variations and specialty of them there is of course one clear winner when it comes to defense.
This troop should be a well know type beyond that of Ikariam and its defensive powerless should also be as well know. The Phalanx is the key to defense!
It is easily the best value for money, in terms of resources needed to train one and the upkeep to keep one. They are of course out done by the attack value of higher up troops but the answer is simply to have.